דלג לתוכן

פאזל בצורות מיוחדות - To my child

מק״ט DV1-02-16-300
המלאי אזל
מחיר מקורי 275.00 ₪ - מחיר מקורי 275.00 ₪
מחיר מקורי 275.00 ₪
275.00 ₪
275.00 ₪ - 275.00 ₪
מחיר נוכחי 275.00 ₪
כולל מע״מ
המלאי אזל

רמת קושי:

כמות החלקים: 300

גיל: 14

Child, never be ashamed to be yourself! You are wholly original, a unique creation! Nobody walks like you, sings like you, laughs like you, dances like you, plays in the park the way you do. You have a right to your thoughts and a right to your feelings, a right to your desires and a right to your longings. You have a right to your joy and a right to your sorrow. You have a right to your YES and a right to your NO, a right to speak your truth and to walk your path and to be celebrated for that.
You have a right to screw up, a right to make a mess, a right to try and fail and try again and make mistakes. 
There is power in your being yourself, child, in breathing as you breathe, moving as you move, feeling as you feel. There is power in your silence and power in your song. Never lose touch with that power, even if the world wants to make you small and abandon it! Never be ashamed of your power!
Trust yourself. And when you cannot trust yourself, know that your doubt is trustable too. Stay close. I am always with you, child, closer than breathing.
My voice will never leave you, even when you are very old; you will always be a precious child inside. (Jeff Foster)